My Work

List of my works that may or may not relate to my computer science field

Raspberry Pi 2 as Web Server

  Raspberry Pi 2 is an awesome thing. Raspberry Pi 2 is a credit card sized desktop computer. It is a very small computer, but size doesn't matter. It delivers a serious firepower. It has a quad core processor and one gigabyte RAM, which is ample for running various fun projects. My first project is to build a web server with this little computer and host this entire web site on it. If you are seeing this page, it means the Raspberry Pi 2 is running and hosting this page for you. Thank you to the Datto company for giving me this awesome gift! Free Raspberry Pi 2 package!!!

Personal Webpage Frontend

  I have written this entire webpage from the scratch without any HTML or CSS library/package. I have learned a lot about web development in the general from developing this webpage design. I have learned to rely on using CSS more than hard-coding design style on HTML for this webpage's design style and this has helped me to organize my code better and reduce the code footprint. I also learned a great deal about JavaScript and JQuery when I used those to create page switch animations. I also used JavaScript to obfuscate my telephone number and email address in my contacts page to protect myself against spam bots but still perfectly readable to the actual humans. This webpage functions and looks great on mobile devices too.

Arch Linux on 2014 Apple Macbook Air

  I love Apple's sleek product designs, but I am not a big fan of their built-in OS called OSX. I need open source softwares and flexiblity. GNU/Linux is the best choice. I have removed OSX Mavericks entirely and successfully installed a GNU/Linux distro called Arch Linux. I worked around Apple's restrictive and proprietary hardware problems and solved almost all of them. With Arch Linux, my Macbook now runs much better and faster than before!

UEstate @ Saunders Start-Up Program

  Be your own real estate agent, hassle-free. UEstate is a new online real estate business designed to make property selling and buying process easier for everyone especially DIYers. I worked at UEstate to build and operate the website server and developed the website backend functionality. I worked with various external APIs to create an innovative search/matching engine algorithm that will find and bring perfect properties and buyers together. I also aided the founders to kick-start this business. I helped to redefine our company's vision.

Discrete Mathematics Research @ Rochester Insitute of Technology

  Funded by Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) at Brigham Young University. A team of researchers and I toyed around with different versions of Zero Forcing Set in Graph Theory and discovered their properties based on the maximum number of marked or "filled" vertices in an undirected vertex graph that will cause the failure of Zero Forcing Set rule. I developed a program that will solve any undirected vertex graphs with Zero Forcing Set. The team and I flew to Baltimore for Joint Mathematics Meetings conference and Utah for BYU CURM conference to present our discoveries.

You can view my write-up here.

Video Game Map Designer and Modder

  To quell my creativity passion, I created over 1000 hours of custom gameplay with modifications to the original video game including new maps, objects, characters, missions, and gameplay mechanics. I have worked with Crytek's CryEngine 2 and 3 Engine, Valve's Source Engine, Frictional Games' HPL Engine, Unreal Engine, and Virtual Reality Engine. I have mastered in bringing photorealism to my creations. I created a variety of stories/missions, gameplay mechanics, and map architecture designs;